Jadi ceritanya tadi malam saya dapat email dari salah seorang teman baik di kantor lama. Jihong namanya, Chinese yang bermigrasi ke Canada dan sekarang bekerja disana. Bertukar kabar dan saya jadi ingat, bahwa saya belum menulis sesuatu tentang kelulusan yang ketiga ini.
Time flies, saya yang dulunya ogah bekerja jadi kuli minyak ternyata tahun ini akan merayakan ulang tahun ke 11. Bekerja di 3 perusahaan, 3 kota, 3 kali lulus dan berpisah dengan teman - teman. 1 tahun, 2.5 tahun dan 7 tahun. Susah senang pahit manis ada semua disana.
1st graduation, ngga banyak drama. Saya pindah dari Jakarta ke Balikpapan, dari posisi pegawai kontrak ke pegawai permanen. Manager saya yang dulu baik sekali, sampai - sampai dibuatkan pesta perpisahan, padahal saya baru 10 bulan kerja. Tidak banyak yang saya ingat selama 10 bulan di Jakarta, memang pada dasarnya saya ga suka kerja di Jakarta kali ya, setiap weekend kerjaannya pulang ke Bandung terus. Kost - kostan saya yang dulu dekat sekali dengan kantor, 5 menit jalan kaki, sewanya 350 rb per bulan. Kamar mungil dengan kamar mandi di dalam.
2nd graduation, agak - agak sedih. Kehidupan di Balikpapan itu sebenarnya menyenangkan lho. Asal masih lajang, punya banyak teman asik dan jangan kelamaan haha. Saya suka sekali pekerjaan di sana, pertama kali naik offshore rig ya di sini, ngerasain naik chopper, ngerasain dimarahin istri orang tengah malam (gara - gara ngangkat telpon, dikira siapa kali ya, ada cewek di rig malam - malam, kocak). Kegiatan ekskul banyak sekali, mulai lari 2x seminggu, kelas tenis, bikin klub pecinta alam, klub angklung, lengkap dah. 2 kali tinggal di kost sampai kemudian pindah ke rumah sendiri lalu numpang di rumah orang. Saat graduation dulu ada 3 orang yang bersamaan resign, satu team pula. Akhirnya kami pesta makan kepiting untuk perpisahan tiga orang, yang diundang banyak sekali ! Restoran Kepiting Kenari di book satu malam penuh, hasilnya bangkrut haha. Teman di Balikpapan benar - benar keluarga di perantauan. Rekor terbanyak kue ulang tahun yang saya dapat ya di Balikpapan ini, tahun 2006. Dapat kue ulang tahun 4 buah, mulai jam 6 pagi sampai jam 11 malam :D
3rd graduation, sedih dan senang. 7 years in Jakarta (kurang 2 bulan deng). Pekerjaan asik, yah ada minusnya, tahu sama tahu aja ya haha. Dan tetap, kotanya ga suka banget. Sampai sekarang entah kenapa saya ga bisa suka Jakarta. Graduation kemarin pun rasanya ngga proper. Sampai saat saat terakhir masih sangat sibuk, hari terakhir kerjapun diundur - undur terus. Jam 4 sore hari terakhir baru bisa keliling, itupun ga semua ketemu. Jam 6.30 baru sempat duduk tenang, kirim email ke teman - teman, dan selesai. Hari terakhir saya disana. Tetep merasa ngga proper, dan tanpa jeda langsung bekerja di sini, langsung monitoring logging tidur 2 hari di kantor haha, nikmat memang.
My farewell note, pendek, ngga bakat nulis panjang untuk hal beginian. Dan saya ga suka banget nulis email generic yang dikirim bcc. Akhirnya satu persatu ditulis, dengan personal sentences di paragraph awal, lama nulisnya sampai - sampai bos besar kelewat ga kekirim haha. Baru nyadar 3 bulan kemudian.
So, I am leaving ** and tomorrow will be my last day in the Jakarta office.
My family is moving to Kuala Lumpur, entering the new adventure in our life :)
I don’t really want to say good bye, as our path might cross again in one form or another. Please accept my apology for every wrong doing that I may have done and thank you for all of your support, friendship and encouragement you have extended to me during my time with **. I’ll cherished the memories we shared together. Keep in touch and if you chance to visit Kuala Lumpur, please contact me and let’s have a Malaysian culinary experience with me :) All the best for you and family.
Alhamdulillah banyak yang merespon, walaupun bos fav saya yang sekarang ada di Houston sana ga balas huhu, dan sampai sekarang saya ga punya keberanian menegur beliau di FB.
Dibuang sayang, saya posting disini, sekaligus mengingat betapa berartinya mereka di kehidupan 7 tahun saya bersama kumpeni ini :D
I too, am very sorry to see you go, and wish you and your family the very best for your move to KL. I enjoyed getting to know you through the petrophysics ADP, and as a highly valued member of the ** petrophysics community you will be much missed. Do let us know how things go for you and your family on your new adventure in Malaysia. Best wishes.
I’m very sorry to see you go but fully understand the reasons. Hope you keep the petrophysics going and are moving to another role in KL. It would be a shame to not use your talent. It is a small world and our paths may cross again. Best wishes for the future.
I just wanted to say it has been a real pleasure working with you for the past few years. I am sure you will do well at whatever you try. Keep technically ‘honest’ and you cannot go far wrong. I promise to send a photo of me in the nice batik shirt from the UK – but I will wait for snow on the ground!
Pagi2 sudah bikin kaget saya dan Maya. Sebenarnya sangat disayangkan May keluar dari **. Btw, mudah2an ditempat yang baru bisa kerasan dan selalu bisa berkumpul dan dekat dengan keluarga.
Nanti harus cari teman lagi yang bisa initiate buat acara camping niy; saya sudah beli camping gearnya sangat lengkap lho, apalagi tendanya ada beberapa dgn different size…hehehe. Kalau next company May masih diseputar Jakarta, nanti kita bisa stay in touch buat camping planning. Kami juga belum tahu apakah akan menetap di Bandung atau Jakarta kalau nanti pulang.
Salam buat keluarga juga…
Hi May!
Selamat malam. I am very sorry to hear that you will be leaving **. I really enjoyed working with you. I hope this change brings many happy and fun times. I will definitely contact you if I am ever in KL. What will you be doing there?
Mbak May,
Selamat berpetualan di negeri jiran. Titip salam kalau ketemu Ipin-Upin. Hehehe.
I wish you and your family all the best
Hello May
I wanted to email you to wish you good luck, I thought your last day was the 19th of December..but it is today. We have not worked together a lot but I appreciated the exchanges we had earlier this year. I wish you all the best in your move to KL! A friend of mine has recently moved there to work in JV Petronas-Shell…she likes it a lot,
Mba Maaayyy..
Wah sedihnya.. Semoga masih jumpa lagi ya suatu saat.Terima kasih dan mohon maaf untuk kesalahan yang lalu.Wish you all the best wherever you are..
Hi May
It was great to meet and work with you in Jakarta. And that camping trip near Bandung that you took us was so much fun. I wish you, Helmy and the little one(s?) best wishes for your new adventures in Kuala Lumpur. By the way, I am moving to London in Feb 2014. If you ever come to London let me know!
It was a pleasure to know you and I wish you the very best – feel free to drop me a line when you are in KR and let me know what you are doing.
Slamat menempuh hidup baru dan semoga makin sukses yah.. Kalo ada lowongan contact2 *** yah biar bs nyusulin May jg,,hehehehe..
Dear May
I am in the GP 10-60 class and heard that you is leaving **. I’m so impressed that you have progressed so well, you have become a cement bond log evaluation specialist! Surely you are very capable for a better career! Congratulations! Your smiles are in our hearts. Jihong and I will miss you and your beautiful daughter! Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, my dear friends!
Mba Mayyyy huhuhuh jadi caw yah ternyata.
Goodluck yah disanaa, nanti aku main2 numpang nginep yah hahhaa
Hi May
I believe it must be a better choice for you and your family although I feel sorry for your leaving.
Yesterday I browsed the internet and there was a ** job post in south east of Asian which remind me thinking of you and Cici….Kuala Lumpur is a beautiful warm place( it was below -30 here last week), it is definite on my travel list.My personal email on the CC. You can always find me. Keep in touch.
Time flies , it is holiday season again. Best wish for you and your family.
Good luck ya and all the best
Mba May.
I would like to say its really nicefull partnership that we have until today.
You right, this is small world so if we cross again in our path I wish that still be good.
Thanks for your invitation, I’ll contact you to try that culinary.
I wish you success in your new job. Keep in touch and may our path cross again in the future.
Good luck and all the best in the future…
Keep in touch ya…
Sukses disana mbak yaaa…nanti kalo aku mampir2 boleh lah numpang tidur :P
Mbak May,
Selamat menempuh hidup baru…
Semonga semakin sakinah semakin mawaddah and semakin warahmah
Doakan semoga segera menyusul ya.. hehe
Good luck Mba,,, jangan lupa ama kita2 yah kalo ada lowongan… hehehe…
Halo May…
We always crossed over yaa…I came and you left…..:)
Anyway…all the best…and whenever I am in KL..will contact you…keep the bbm yaah
Mbak May,
Good luck, semoga enjoy dan sukses meniti karir di tempat yang baru.
Wish you all the best.
I am happy for you!!
Thanks May,
We will miss you, and you never do any wrong to me, forgive my if I did,
Hope you a very bright future in KL, keep in touch I know a lot of good friends there working for PetroNas and some service company if you need any support let me know.
Have a nice future on the Earth and and the end day and the 2nd live en-shaa’a Allah
My best wishes to you and your family’s new episode of life
Enjoy KL….. jangan salaaaaaaah… insya 4llah kami kunjungi
Keep in touch..
Nanti aku mampir ke KL …
Pin BB jangan berubah ya…kalau berubah khabari…
Whuaduuh… Lha kemaren katanya bos minta extend sampai 5 Januari… saya pikir diiyain.. belon sempet ke Cibubur hehehe…Kemaren siang meeting di Worley, sampai sore. Adzan magrib masih dijalan, Jakarta oohh.. Jakarta…Ok bu, selamat bertugas dan menikmati atmosfer yang baru. Selamat menikmati momen2 priceless bersama keluarga, sehari2…Saya, saat ini juga pada saat yang bimbang, kemana arah yang paling pas dengan scenario dan kondisi yang ada…Enjoy your new professional career and journey of life… Keep contact and inform if any good opportunity…
Although it is a very short time to know, but everyone can see that you are doing a great job Mbak.
Good luck for your new career and family life. Enjoy “Nasi Lemak”…
Mbak May,
Sukses ya ditempat yang baru… sediihhhh… Kept in touch ya mbak..
Semoga dgn kepindahan ini bisa membawa kebaikan buat May dan Keluarga. Semoga sukses
Good luck, glad to hear that you will be an expatriate soon.
Success in your near future career and take care of your family.
Huhuhuhuhu sedih may…. huhuhu
Mbak May,
What’s a surprised!
Good Luck for your new adventure of your career… just only short time to work together during my time in D2… Many thanks for all info shared.
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