
Thursday, May 15, 2014

Slimmer's Paradise

Ini adalah salah satu juice favorite saya di Juice Works. Termasuknya ke dalam kategori Detox Juice. Sesuai judulnya harapannya sih bisa langsing minum juice ini hehe. Resep aslinya adalah green apple, celery, cucumber dan guava.

Nah kemarin itu kelupaan sebenernya, apa aja ya campuran si Slimmer's ini, akhirnya sedikit mengarang, saya pakai jeruk, celery dan green apple. Miripp kan hehe.

Rasanya sudah pasti enak, karena bahannya juga enak - enak ya. Seger. Campuran celery-nya juga ga berasa. Habis diminum dalam 5 menit.

Tentang celery, ternyata manfaatnya banyak banget dan memang cocok buat diet.
Ini dia 11 manfaat celery yang saya ambil dari care2

  • Celery is a great choice if you are watching your weight. One large stalk contains only 10 calories! So, add celery to your shopping list and enjoy it in your salads, soups and stir-fries
  • Celery reduces inflammation. If you are suffering from joint pains, lung infections, asthma, or acne, eating more celery will bring much-needed relief
  • It helps you calm down: Celery for stress-relief? Oh yes! The minerals in celery, especially magnesium, and the essential oil in it, soothe the nervous system. If you enjoy a celery-based snack in the evening, you will sleep better
  • It regulates the body’s alkaline balance, thus protecting you from problems such as acidity
  • Celery aids digestion: some say celery tastes like “crunchy water,” and that is the reason it is so good for your digestive system.  The high water content of celery, combined with the insoluble fiber in it, makes it a great tool for easy passage of stool. Note: because celery has diuretic and cleansing properties, those with diarrhea should avoid eating it
  • It contains “good” salts. Yes, celery does contain sodium, but it is not the same thing as table salt. The salt in celery is organic, natural and essential for your health
  • It cares for your eyes. One large stalk of celery can deliver up to 10 percent of your daily need for Vitamin A, a group of nutrients that protects the eyes and prevents age-related degeneration of vision
  • Celery reduces “bad” cholesterol: There is a component in celery called butylphthalide. It gives the vegetable its flavor and scent. Guess what: this component also reduces bad cholesterol! A Chicago University research shows that just two stalks of celery a day can reduce bad cholesterol (LDL) by up to 7 points 
  • It lowers blood pressure: An active compound called phthalides in celery has been proven to boost circulatory health. Raw, whole celery reduces high blood pressure 
  • It can amp up your sex life: and this is not just hearsay. Dr. Alan R. Hirsch, Director of the Smeel and Taste Treatment and Research Foundation, says two pheromones in celery–androstenone and androstenol–boost your arousal levels. They are released when you chew on a celery stalk
  • Celery can combat cancer: Two studies at the University of Illinois show that a powerful flavonoid in celery, called luteolin, inhibits the growth of cancer cells, especially in the pancreas. Another study suggests that the regular intake of celery could significantly delay the formation of breast cancer cells


  1. kalau saya kayaknya orange sama green apple aja, deh :D

    1. hehe, si celery nih memang agak berbau Mba, banyakin jeruknya aja
